“Moreover, if your brother sins
against you, go and tell him your fault between you and him alone. If he hears
you, you have gained your brother.” –Matthew 18:15
This verse always takes me back to
my freshman year orientation for high school. That night my teacher challenged
us all to enter into these next four years and work to keep short accounts with
the people in our lives. The charge was to speak with the person you have a
problem with, directly and do so within 48 hours. It became this ongoing joke
whenever anyone would make a remark about someone that wasn’t a positive one,
everyone would just say: “you have 48 hours!” We always joked about it but
honestly it is so true. Holding onto a fault you see in your brother only creates
bitterness and a hardness of your own heart. That bitterness starts small
however, it can grow and fester into something so much bigger than the original
problem. And even more so, when you go and tell someone all about the faults in
this person, it now taints their view of this other person when in reality they
have no place in even being involved and you have just severed a relationship
you had no place being involved in.
For me, bitterness had been
something I had worked very hard to not hold onto. And outwardly, I think it
looked as if I did a pretty dang good job but reality is I had everyone around
me fooled and I had myself fooled also. I got very good at taking anything that
bothered me and burying it deep in my heart. Instead of actually using the 48
hour rule, I just pretend the problem was never there and instead of keeping
short accounts, it turned into a cycle of not being genuine with people. I
worked very hard to not act on my hardness of heart- thus externally everything
looked fine, but internally I know my heart would dwell on these faults I
buried so deep. How can anyone accept any of the love, peace, or joy the Lord
offers us if our hearts have this preconceived notion of bitterness swelling up
bigger and bigger within us? An overflowing joy and an all-consuming bitterness
simply and logically cannot abide together. And I would take joy over
bitterness any day. I want to strive to keep my accounts with people short and
gain brothers, not enemies.
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