Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Broken Vessel

“though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” -Hebrews 5:8

We have no greater example of obedience than Christ. The King of the universe took on the form of a baby, walked among us, and then endured death on a cross to save the very souls who killed Him. What a Savior. This is the ultimately picture of humility and obedience. In the garden of Gethsemane, Christ cried out to the Father- the only one who could save Him from this death. Only hours left before His crucifixion, Jesus asked if there was any other way to save the world that the Father would take this cup from Him. But there was no other way. It had to be Life for a life and only by blood could we be cleansed. Jesus knew this and He obeyed and took the suffering of the world upon Himself. He was obedient to the Fathers will to the point of death. And it was because of His suffering and obedience that now He holds the keys to life that all may obey Him.

I am so thankful the Lord uses broken people. I want nothing more but to be a broken vessel used for His glory. I want the life I lived to be led by a thankful heart for that which He has done and in turn be so willing and obedient to His plans. The Ruler of all was poured out on the cross so that I may be filled to overflow. His feet were nailed to the cross so that mine could walk and tell of His love. His hands were pierced so that He could use mine to hold those who are hurting. He was obedient to the point of death so that I may live. He was obedient to the Father through suffering and now it’s my turn to be obedient to Him- to be merely a broken vessel that He desires to fill up and pour out on others. He obeyed the Father and now I get to obey Him. What a Savior.

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