Saturday, February 4, 2017

The True Source of Joy

“strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy” -Colossians 1:11

All week the theme has been endurance and we know that looks like being patient, waiting, and walking with the Lord. But how do I actually do that? If I’ve never been able to endure in the past how do you expect me to now all of a sudden endure? Is it really just one of those set your mind to it type of things? Wrong. As humans, we may be able to endure a trial for a little while but on our own eventually we grow weary and literally cannot go on- no matter how hard your mind is set at some point we are emotionally and physically drained. We. Do. Not. Posess. The. Strength. On. Our. Own. However, it’s in our weakness that we can clearly see He is the strong one. This verse is laying out for us that endurance isn’t something we can do in our flesh and on our own. In order to be longsuffering and endure all with a true spirit of joy, we have to be doing it in His strength. Endurance comes through HIS power- not my own because we literally do not possess the power. Sure, I could make it a little while “on my own” but I would never have joy. We may be able to find a fleeting happiness for but a season but a true joy in trial only comes from Him. James 1:2-3 tells us to “count it all as joy, when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” That spirit of infectious joy is only something found in the Lord and even more so having that Joy in the midst of hardship only comes when we are trusting in His power, not our own. I think a struggle for me is that sometimes I try to muster up my own joy and try to be longsuffering but all without Jesus. I have to make sure I'm leaning on Jesus for my joy because He is the only true source of it.

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