Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A God Pleasing Life

“But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: we ought to obey God rather than men.” -Acts 5:29

I’ve always struggled with this idea that I have to please everyone. Like it’s my life long goal to get every person I come in contact with to love me. Sure, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be liked, however at what cost am I willing to get it? Am I willing to sacrifice time with Jesus to get time with others? Am I willing to sacrifice the unending love He gives me to go search for a fleeting human approval? Just yesterday we talked about the story of Martha and Mary and how Martha went about making herself busy, serving and doing all of these things for Jesus and the disciples in her home. Because of this, she grew frustrated and stressed out to the point that she questions the Lord in a sense. But her sister Mary, instead of worrying about literally anything else, she simply sat at the feet of Jesus and heard what He had to tell her. I can get so caught up in serving or trying to please everyone that I lose sight of what the Lord has called me to.

No matter what it is the Lord asks me to actively go out and do, I have to never forget to come back to the feet of Jesus with a thankful heart, ready to listen to whatever is next. To be still and know that He is God. The only person I need to work to please is the Lord. And honestly, He is the only one who in return for that obedience has loved me and blessed me and finds pleasure in me. Who else is going to do that? NOT other humans! He is the only one who knows my heart- Creator, Savior, and Redeemer of my life. No one gets me like He does thus why would I be eager to obey anyone else? Humans are everchanging and honestly impossible to please- trust me, I’ve tried. But the Lord is eternal and because of His son, He sees me and blameless and is well pleased. I want to be someone the Lord looks at and rejoices in and because of that, I will obey.

Application: Today I will take time to pray and confess to the Lord all of the time I have wasted trying to please everyone other than Him. I know He can redeem the time.

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