Saturday, February 11, 2017

If I Have Jesus, I Have Everything

“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” -Hebrews 13:15

Here, the writer isn’t saying to be content and do not covet if you’re a rich man who already has everything. We aren’t given the financial state or social class of the type of person he is instructing. Why? Because no matter if you’re Bill Gates or someone who literally doesn’t have enough money for shoes, you can be content because Jesus is enough. This is instruction and even more so command for all people. No matter how much or little you have in this life, the simple fact that the Lord will never leave nor forsake us is all that we need. If God is by our side, what can stand against? In that I must be content. 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells me that His grace is sufficient for me. It’s all I need.

Why waste time coveting things of this world when in Jesus you already have it all? Apart from Him all else is vain. It’s worthless. I think for me, my struggle with covetousness isn’t necessarily in material things but rather I covet other lives and the way the Lord has worked in their life. I start to compare where I am to where they are and ask the Lord why He hasn’t blessed me with that or why they can serve Him in that extravagant way and I can’t.

It’s a constant thing to remind myself that the Lord has a hand-crafted plan for my life and it’s not going to look like anyone else’s. I have to be currently content where He has me and in turn content with His plan for me. At the end of the day, no matter what I do or don’t have- His grace is sufficient for me. And if I have that, then I have everything.

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